Saturday, July 11, 2009

Next Step for Human Rights Complaints

When Alberta de-listed both Chiropractic services and Gender Reassignment Surgery from the list of funded procedures, Alberta's Transsexual Community launched over 40 Human Rights Complaints against the Alberta Government for violating their Human Rights. Discriminating against someone because they are transsexual is against the law in Alberta. So WHY is de-listing GRS a human rights violation, while de-listing Chiropratic care simply another retarded move by the provinical Government?

The difference lies in HOW the funding cuts were implemented.

Chiropractic patients were given 3 full months (until July 1, 2009) to prepare for the elimination of government subsidy of their treatment. It is reasonable to assume that treatment for all but the most extreme acute injuries was able to be concluded and a smooth transition made by the patients to non-chiropractic treatment options that remain covered by Alberta Health and Wellness for those whose financial situation means they can no longer seek chiropractic care. 13.5 million dollars is the additional cost to the health system to provide this smooth transition.

13.5 million dollars would have funded approximately 300 GRS surgeries. GRS funding was eliminated immediately for evey patient. No time was made for alternative arrangments. Current treatment protocols were immediately halted. So the problem hinges on WHY Chiropratic patients were treated differently then Transsexual patients. Since there is none, not providing a similar transition for GRS delisting is clearly discriminatory.

The Health Minister made statements on the floor of the Assembly that assured Albertans that those in the treatment protocol, would receive funding. The Minister repeated those comments to the media outside the Legislature

It would not be right for us to now say, ‘Well, you’ve spent all this money, we’re now going to change the rules,’ ” Liepert said. “It seems to me to be unfair to have someone believe that a certain surgery was going to take place, dug into their pockets for hormonal drugs that were prescribed by the medical community, and somehow we don’t follow through on it.

The Health Minister has gone back on his word and is NOT providing this transitional funding.

Nearly three months has passed since the complaints were initially filed.The Human Rights Commission has been working closely with myself and others affected by this decision to get all the ducks in a row. The Human Right Commission legal team has been spending the last three months researching the various legal precedents that affect this specific situation.

I am pleased to announce that process has been concluded and Human Rights Complaints have been officially accepted. Alberta Health and Wellness likely has the complaints in hand this very moment and are formulating their response. As of today the Province of Alberta is undeniably spending millions of taxpayer dollars to respond to these complaints. While I can only specifically comment on my specific complaint, I believe the total number of complaints to be over 100.

At any point in time the Government of Alberta has the ability to STOP wasting tax payer money and take the moral high ground, and admit their error by reinstating funding. The legal advice they are wasting taxpayer money on is nothing more than common sense. They are wrong. How many millions of dollars will be wasted until they realize this? How many millions of dollars were wasted on legal fees with the failed ring road project in Calgary? It is obvious to anyone using their head that NO ONE would agree to have their relative’s grave desecrated and major highway built over it.

Common Sense is Free; however it appears to be a rare commodity indeed within the PC Caucus.